Content Source: 2021 RANGER EV Owner’s Manual (9939923 R01) > Safety Chapter


The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle.Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

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Operator Safety

Serious injury or death can result if you do not follow these instructions and procedures, which are outlined in further detail within your owner's manual.
  • Read this entire manual and all labels carefully. Follow the operating procedures described.
  • Never allow anyone under the age of 16 to operate this vehicle and never allow anyone without a valid driver's license to operate this vehicle.
  • Do not carry a passenger until you have at least two hours of driving experience with this vehicle.
  • No person under the age of 12 may ride as a passenger in this vehicle. All riders must be able to sit with backs against the seat, both feet flat on the floor and both hands on the steering wheel (if driving) or on a passenger hand hold.
  • The driver and all passengers must wear helmet, eye protection, gloves, long-sleeve shirt, long pants, over-the-ankle boots and seat belt at all times.
  • Always keep hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Always keep both hands on the steering wheel and both feet on the floorboards of the vehicle during operation.
  • Never permit a guest to operate this vehicle unless the guest has read this manual and all product labels.
  • To reduce rollover risk, be especially careful when encountering obstacles and slopes and when braking on hills or during turns.
  • This vehicle is for off-road use only. Never operate on public roads (unless marked for off-road use). Always avoid paved surfaces.
  • Never consume alcohol or drugs before or while operating this vehicle.
  • Never operate at excessive speeds. Always travel at a speed proper for the terrain, visibility and operating conditions, and your experience.
  • Never attempt jumps or other stunts.
  • Always inspect the vehicle before each use to make sure it's in safe operating condition. Always follow the inspection procedures described in this manual.
  • Always travel slowly and use extra caution when operating on unfamiliar terrain. Be alert to changing terrain.
  • Never operate on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain.
  • Always follow proper procedures for turning. Practice turning at slow speeds before attempting to turn at faster speeds. Never turn at excessive speeds.
  • Always have this vehicle checked by an authorized POLARIS dealer if it has been involved in an accident.
  • Never operate this vehicle on hills too steep for the vehicle or for your abilities. Practice on smaller hills before attempting larger hills.
  • Always follow proper procedures for climbing hills as described in this manual. See page 37. Check the terrain carefully before attempting to climb a hill. Never climb hills with excessively slippery or loose surfaces. Never go over the top of a hill at high speed.
  • Always follow the proper procedures outlined in this manual for traveling downhill and for braking on hills. See page 37. Check the terrain carefully before descending a hill. Never travel downhill at high speed. Avoid going downhill at an angle, which would cause the vehicle to lean sharply to one side. Travel straight down the hill where possible.
  • Always check for obstacles before operating in a new area. Never attempt to operate over large obstacles such as large rocks or fallen trees. Always follow the proper procedures outlined in this manual when operating over obstacles. See page 38.
  • Always be careful of skidding or sliding. On slippery surfaces such as ice, travel slowly and exercise caution to reduce the chance of skidding or sliding out of control.
  • Never operate your vehicle in fast-flowing water or in water deeper than that specified in this manual. See page 38. Wet brakes may have reduced stopping ability. Test your brakes after leaving water. If necessary, apply them lightly several times to let friction dry out the pads.
  • Always be sure there are no obstacles or people behind your vehicle when operating in reverse. When it's safe to proceed in reverse, move slowly. Avoid turning at sharp angles in reverse.
  • Always use the proper size and type of tires specified in this manual. Always maintain proper tire pressure as specified on safety labels.
  • Never modify this vehicle through improper installation or use of non-POLARIS-approved accessories.
  • Never exceed the stated load capacity for this vehicle. Cargo should be properly distributed and securely attached. Reduce speed and follow the instructions in this manual for hauling cargo or pulling a trailer. Allow a greater distance for braking.
  • Always set the park brake and remove the key when leaving the vehicle unattended.

Equipment Modifications

Never install any accessory that grounds to the vehicle chassis. The chassis is a floating ground to protect against electrical short circuits and hazards.
Do not install any non-POLARIS-approved accessory or modify the vehicle for the purpose of increasing speed or power. Any modifications or installation of non-POLARIS-approved accessories could create a substantial safety hazard and increase the risk of bodily injury.
The warranty on your POLARIS vehicle will be terminated if any non-POLARIS-approved equipment and/or modifications have been added to the vehicle that increase speed or power.
The addition of certain accessories, including (but not limited to) mowers, blades, tires, sprayers, or large racks, may change the handling characteristics of the vehicle. Use only POLARIS-approved accessories, and familiarize yourself with their function and effect on the vehicle.

Proper Operation

Failure to operate the RANGER properly can result in a collision, loss of control, accident or rollover, which may result in serious injury or death. Heed all safety warnings outlined in this section of the owner’s manual. See the OPERATION section of the owner’s manual for proper operating procedures.


Operating Without Instruction

Operating this vehicle without proper instruction increases the risk of an accident. The operator must understand how to operate the vehicle properly in different situations and on different types of terrain. All operators must read and understand the Owner's Manual and all warning and instruction labels before operating the vehicle.


Age Restrictions

This vehicle is an ADULT VEHICLE ONLY. NEVER operate this vehicle if you are under age 16 and NEVER operate without a valid driver’s license.

Never operate with a passenger under the age of 12. All riders must be able to sit with backs against the seat, both feet flat on the floor and both hands on the steering wheel (if driving) or on a passenger hand hold (if equipped).


Using Alcohol or Drugs

Never consume alcohol or drugs before or while operating this vehicle.
Operating this vehicle after consuming alcohol or drugs could adversely affect operator judgment, reaction time, balance and perception.


Seat Belts

Riding in this vehicle without wearing the seat belt increases the risk of serious injury in the event of rollover, loss of control, other accident or sudden stop. Seat belts may reduce the severity of injury in these circumstances.

All riders must wear seat belts at all times.


Protective Apparel

Riding in this vehicle without wearing an approved helmet and protective eyewear increases the risk of a serious injuries in the event of an accident. Operator and all passenger must always wear an approved helmet that fits properly and eye protection (goggles or face shield).


Jumps and Stunts

Exhibition driving increases the risk of an accident or rollover. DO NOT do power slides, “donuts”, jumps or other driving stunts. Avoid exhibition driving.

Carrying a Passenger

A passenger must always be seated in a passenger seat with seat belt secured. Carrying more than one passenger in a 2-seat vehicle can affect the operator’s ability to steer and operate the controls, which increases the risk of loss of control and accident or rollover.

Never carry more than one passenger in a 2-seat vehicle.


Ventilation When Charging Batteries

Failure to provide adequate ventilation while charging batteries can result in an explosion. Volatile hydrogen gas is emitted during charging and may accumulate in pockets at the ceiling.
  • Always ensure a minimum of 5 air changes per hour in the charging area.
  • Always remove any storage covers from the vehicle and open any cab doors (if equipped) before charging.

Failure to Inspect Before Operating

Failure to inspect and verify that the vehicle is in safe operating condition before operating increases the risk of an accident. Always perform the Pre-Ride Inspection outlined in the Operation chapter before each use of your vehicle to make sure it's in safe operating condition. Always follow the inspection and maintenance procedures and schedules described in this owner’s manual. See the Periodic Maintenance section of the Maintenance chapter.

Operating With a Load on the Vehicle

The weight of the cargo, operator, and passengers impacts vehicle operation and stability. For your safety and the safety of others, carefully consider how your vehicle is loaded and how to safely operate the vehicle. Follow the instructions in this manual for loading, tire pressure, gear selection and speed.
  • Do not exceed vehicle weight capacities. The vehicle’s maximum weight capacity is listed in the specifications section of this manual and on a label on the vehicle. When determining the weight you are adding to the vehicle, include the weight of the operator, passengers, accessories, loads in the rack or box and the load on the trailer tongue. The combined weight of these items must not exceed the maximum weight capacity.
  • The recommended tire pressures are listed in the specifications section of this manual and on a label on the vehicle.
Always follow these guidelines:
Under ANY of these conditions: Do ALL of these steps:
Operator and/or cargo exceeds half the maximum weight capacity
  1. Slow down.
  2. Verify tire pressure.
  3. Use extra caution when operating.
Operating in rough terrain
Operating over obstacles
Climbing an incline

Operating a Damaged Vehicle

Operating a damaged vehicle can result in an accident. After any rollover or other accident, have a qualified service dealer inspect the entire machine for possible damage, including (but not limited to) seat belts, rollover protection devices, brakes, throttle, and steering systems.

Operating at Excessive Speeds

Operating this vehicle at excessive speeds increases the operator's risk of losing control. Always operate at a speed that's appropriate for the terrain, the visibility and operating conditions and your skills and experience.

Operating on Pavement

This vehicle's tires are designed for off-road use only, not for use on pavement. Operating this vehicle on paved surfaces (including sidewalks, paths, parking lots and driveways) may adversely affect the handling of the vehicle and may increase the risk of loss of control and accident or rollover. Avoid operating the vehicle on pavement. If it's unavoidable, travel slowly, travel short distances and avoid sudden turns or stops.

Operating on Public Roads

Operating this vehicle on public streets, roads or highways could result in a collision with another vehicle. Never operate this vehicle on any public street, road or highway, including dirt and gravel roads (unless designated for off-highway use).

Turning Improperly

Turning improperly could cause loss of traction, loss of control, accident or rollover. Always follow proper procedures for turning as described in this owner’s manual.
Avoid sharp turns. Never turn while applying heavy throttle. Never make abrupt steering maneuvers. Practice turning at slow speeds before attempting to turn at faster speeds.

Operating in Unfamiliar Terrain

Failure to use extra caution when operating on unfamiliar terrain could result in an accident or rollover.
Unfamiliar terrain may contain hidden rocks, bumps, or holes that could cause loss of control or rollover.
Travel slowly and use extra caution when operating on unfamiliar terrain. Always be alert to changing terrain conditions.

Skidding or Sliding

Failure to use extra caution when operating on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain could cause loss of traction, loss of control, accident or rollover. Do not operate on excessively slippery surfaces. Always slow down and use additional caution when operating on slippery surfaces.
Skidding or sliding due to loss of traction can cause loss of control or rollover (if tires regain traction unexpectedly). Always follow proper procedures for operating on slippery surfaces as described in this owner's manual.

Improper Hill Climbing

Improper hill climbing could cause loss of control or rollover. Use extreme caution when operating on hills. Always follow proper procedures for hill climbing as described in this owner's manual.

Descending Hills Improperly

Improperly descending a hill could cause loss of control or rollover. Always follow proper procedures for traveling down hills as described in this owner’s manual.

Stalling While Climbing a Hill

Stalling or rolling backwards while climbing a hill could cause a rollover. Maintain a steady speed when climbing a hill.
If you lose all forward speed:
Apply the brakes gradually until the vehicle is fully stopped. Switch to reverse and slowly allow the vehicle to roll straight downhill while applying light brake pressure to control speed.
If you begin rolling downhill:
Never press the accelerator. Apply the brakes gradually until the vehicle is fully stopped. Switch to reverse and slowly allow the vehicle to roll straight downhill while applying light brake pressure to control speed.

Improper Tire Maintenance

Operating this vehicle with improper tires or with improper or uneven tire pressure could cause loss of control or accident. Always use the size and type of tires specified for your vehicle. Always maintain proper tire pressure as described in the owner's manual and on safety labels.

Operating on Frozen Bodies of Water

Serious injury or death can result if the vehicle and/or the operator fall through the ice. Never operate the vehicle on a frozen body of water unless you have first verified that the ice is sufficiently thick to support the weight and moving force of the vehicle, you and your cargo, together with any other vehicles in your party.
Always check with local authorities and residents to confirm ice conditions and thickness over your entire route. Vehicle operators assume all risk associated with ice conditions on frozen bodies of water.

Unauthorized Use of the Vehicle

Leaving the keys in the ignition can lead to unauthorized use of the vehicle by someone under the age of 16, without a drivers license, or without proper training. This could result in an accident or rollover. Always remove the ignition key when the vehicle is not in use.

Hot Drive Systems

The motor and controller are very hot during and after use of the vehicle. Hot components can cause burns and fire. Do not touch hot drive system components. Always keep combustible materials away from the drive system.
Use caution when traveling through tall grass, especially dry grass, and when traveling in muddy conditions. Always inspect areas near the drive system after driving through tall grass, weeds, brush, other tall ground cover, and muddy conditions. Promptly remove any grass, debris, or foreign matter clinging to the vehicle. Pay particular attention to the drive system area.

Precautions During Maintenance

Do not work in or near the battery compartment or on any other electrical component of the vehicle while charging the batteries. Always disconnect the main power connector before servicing or unplugging any electrical components.
Always follow all safety instructions in the maintenance portion of this owner’s manual, as well as the following:
  • Make sure the vehicle is properly immobilized before beginning any maintenance.
  • Always block the chassis securely before working under the vehicle.
  • Turn the key off and remove it from the vehicle.
  • Insulate any tools used within the battery area to prevent sparks or battery explosion caused by shorting the battery terminals or wiring. Remove the batteries, or cover the exposed terminals with an insulating material.

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