Content Source: 2021 RANGER EV Owner’s Manual (9939923 R01) > Operation Chapter


The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle.Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

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Driving Procedure

  1. Disconnect the charging cable (if connected).
  2. Wear a helmet, eye protection, gloves, long-sleeve shirt, long pants and over-the-ankle boots.
  3. Sit in the driver's seat and fasten the seat belt.
  4. Apply the brakes.
  5. Turn the key to the ON position. Wait about a second for the contactor to close before continuing.
  6. Move the direction selector to forward or reverse.
  7. Move the drive mode switch to the desired setting.
  8. Release the park brake.
  9. Check your surroundings and determine your path of travel.
  10. Keeping both hands on the steering wheel, release the brake pedal and gradually push the accelerator toward the floor to begin driving.
  11. Drive slowly. Practice maneuvering and using the accelerator and brakes on level surfaces.
  12. Do not carry a passenger until you have at least two hours of driving experience with this vehicle. Never carry more than one passenger in this vehicle. Never allow a passenger to ride in the cargo box.
  13. To stop the vehicle, release the accelerator pedal completely and brake to a complete stop.
  14. Set the park brake.
  15. Turn the key off.
A rolling vehicle can cause serious injury. Always set the park brake when leaving the vehicle unattended.

Driving on Slippery Surfaces

Skidding or sliding can cause loss of control or rollover (if tires regain traction unexpectedly). When operating on slippery surfaces such as ice or loose gravel, reduce speed and use extra caution to reduce the chance of skidding or sliding out of control. Do not operate on excessively slippery surfaces.
When driving on slippery surfaces such as wet trails, loose gravel, or ice, be alert for the possibility of skidding and sliding. Follow these precautions when encountering slippery conditions:
  • Do not operate on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain.
  • Slow down before entering slippery areas.
  • Maintain a high level of alertness, reading the trail and avoiding quick, sharp turns, which can cause skids.
  • Engage all-wheel drive before wheels begin to lose traction.
    Severe damage to the drive train may occur if the AWD is engaged while the wheels are spinning. Always allow the wheels to stop spinning before engaging AWD.
  • Correct a skid by turning the steering wheel in the direction of the skid. Never apply the brakes during a skid.

Driving Uphill

Whenever traveling uphill, follow these precautions:
  1. Always travel straight uphill.
  2. Avoid excessively steep hills.
  3. Keep both feet on the floor.
  4. Always check the terrain carefully before ascending any hill. Never climb hills with excessively slippery or loose surfaces.
  5. Proceed at a steady rate of speed.
  6. Never go over the crest of a hill at high speed. An obstacle, a sharp drop, or another vehicle or person could be on the other side of the hill.
  7. If the vehicle stalls while climbing a hill, apply the brakes. Turn the key off and on, then change the drive mode to low mode. Place the direction selector switch in reverse and slowly allow the vehicle to roll straight downhill while applying light brake pressure to control speed.

Driving on a Sidehill (Sidehilling)

Driving on a sidehill is not recommended. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or rollover. Avoid crossing the side of any hill unless absolutely necessary.
If crossing a sidehill is unavoidable, follow these precautions:
  1. Slow down.
  2. Exercise extreme caution.
  3. Avoid crossing the side of a steep hill.

Driving Downhill

When driving downhill, follow these precautions:
  1. Avoid excessively steep hills.
  2. Always descend a hill with the direction selector switch on forward. Never descend a hill with the switch on neutral.
  3. Drive straight downhill. Avoid descending a hill at an angle, which would cause the vehicle to lean sharply to one side. Travel straight downhill when possible.
  4. Slow down.
  5. Apply the brakes slightly to aid in slowing.

Driving Through Water

Your vehicle can operate through water up to a maximum recommended depth equal to the floorboards.
Serious damage can occur to the electrical system and batteries if the vehicle is operated in water deeper than the floorboards.
Follow these procedures when operating through water:

  1. Determine water depths and current before entering water.
  2. Choose a crossing where both banks have gradual inclines.
  3. Proceed slowly, avoiding rocks and obstacles.
  4. Avoid operating through deep or fast-flowing water.
  5. After leaving water, always dry the brakes by applying light pressure to the pedal repeatedly until braking action is normal.

The large tires on your vehicle may cause the vehicle to float in deep or fast-flowing water, which could result in loss of control and lead to serious injury or death. Never cross deep or fast-flowing water with your vehicle

Driving Over Obstacles

Follow these precautions when operating over obstacles:
  • Always check for obstacles before operating in a new area.
  • Look ahead and learn to read the terrain. Be constantly alert for hazards such as logs, rocks and low hanging branches.
  • Travel slowly and use extra caution when operating on unfamiliar terrain. Not all obstacles are immediately visible.
  • Move the gear selector to Low Gear, if needed.
  • Avoid operating over large obstacles such as large rocks and fallen trees. If unavoidable, use extreme caution and operate slowly.
  • Always have all passengers dismount and move away from the vehicle before operating over an obstacle that could cause a rollover.

Driving in Reverse

Follow these precautions when operating in reverse:
  • Always check for obstacles or people behind the vehicle. Always inspect left and right fields of vision before backing.
  • Always avoid backing downhill.
  • Back slowly.
  • Apply the brakes lightly for stopping.
  • Avoid turning at sharp angles.
  • Never open the throttle suddenly.

Parking on an Incline

Avoid parking on an incline if possible. If it's unavoidable, follow these precautions:
  1. Apply the brakes.
  2. Set the park brake.
  3. Turn the key off.
  4. Block the rear wheels on the downhill side.

Parking the Vehicle

  1. Apply the brakes. Stop the vehicle on a level surface.
  2. When parking inside a garage or other structure, be sure that the structure is well ventilated and that the vehicle is not close to any source of flame or sparks, including any appliance with pilot lights.
  3. Set the park brake.
  4. Turn the key off. Remove the key to prevent unauthorized use.

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